
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Amounts Due

This module will enable you to generate a report which will show or give details of the amount of money that is expected to be paid for a particular period of time; in Loan performer this will be for six consecutive periods.

You can also be able to generate invoices which are issued to clients as at a particular date or you can store them (invoices) for future use in a special folder which is created to store the invoices. Invoices can be issued to individual clients and group members who took loans and have amounts due at a particular date.

When you click at Menu Loans\Portfolio Reports\Reports on Dues\Amounts Due, a screen will look as follows;

In the Screen above, Invoiced.doc is the document that has the invoice template.

It may differ from yours depending on the location and naming of your invoice template.                                                       

Click Ok button after locating the right document that had the Invoice template. The link will be shown alongside the Invoice template text box.

Click okay if all the fields or data entered is right. You will have an invoice that looks as follows fig. 1;

NB: The invoice shown above is a sample, you can create one that is tailored to your organisation’s needs using the Invoice variable template that comes along with the Loan Performer Installation CD or can be downloaded from the Loan Performer Website (www.loanperformer.com).


N.B:     How to use the Invoice Variable Template


1. Open a new word document in which you will paste the variables that you need to use.


2. Use the Invoice variable template that comes along with the Loan performer installation CD. Open it and copy the variables that you will use in your invoice. Format them to suite the layout of a page that you need. The invoice variable template from which you pick the variables looks as follows:



<Long name organisation>

<Abbreviation organisation>



<Loan Number>


<Client Registration Number>

<Client Title>

<Client Name>

<IDCard Client>

<Invoice Number>

<Invoice Date>

<Amount Due>

<Due Date>

<Reference Number Client>

<Statistics Number Client>

<Client Savings Account>

<Client's Date of Membership>

<Mail Line 1>

<Mail Line 2>

<Physical Address>

<Phone Number>

<Second Phone Number>

<Installment Frequency>


<Loan Amount>

<Loan Amount in Words>

<Total Repayable Amount>

<Percentage Interest>

<Percentage Interest in Words>

<Interest Calculation Mode>

<Monthly Interest Rate>

<Total Interest Amount>

<Credit Officer>

<Number of Installments>

<Number of Installments in Grace Period>

<Installment Period in Number of Days>

<Last Installment>

<Description 1st Collateral>

<Value 1st Collateral>

<Description 2nd Collateral>

<Value 2nd Collateral>

<Description 3rd Collateral>

<Value 3rd Collateral>

<Description 4th Collateral>

<Value 4th Collateral>

<Penalty Rate>

For example you can use the variables above to create an invoice as shown below:

<Long name organisation>,


Invoice No. <Invoice Number>

<Branch>                                                                     Invoice Date :<Invoice Date>

To: <Client Title> <Client Name>

Date: <Today>

Ref: Amount due for payment on Loan

Amount due for payment on Loan

Savings A/C No. :<Client Savings Account>

Date of Membership:<Client's Date of Membership>

Loan number :<Loan Number> 

Loan Amount:<Loan Amount> (<Loan Amount in Words>).

Loan Application Date:<Loan Application Date>

Disbursement Date :<Disbursement Date> Loan Period <Loan Period in Months>months

Monthly Interest Rate:<Monthly Interest Rate> Interest Calculation Mode:<Interest Calculation Mode>

Total Repayable Amount:<Total Repayable Amount>

Amount Due : <Amount Due>

Due Date :<Due Date>

Penalty Rate:<Penalty Rate>

Please pay your installment promptly.

Thank you,

<Credit Officer>

(Credit Officer)

From the template above, you will have an invoice generated like in fig.1.

Additional filtering options? : This option is used to get a particular field or specification that you want. It helps you to narrow down the information that you need. When you check this option and click ok, a pop up screen will appear that looks as follows;

In the screen above, the filter criteria selected is CLIENTCODE and the VALUE is DB\00002. You have to select the field in the Filter Criteria and also choose a relational Operator. In the example above we checked "=" (the equals symbol). This symbol means the CLIENTCODE will be equal to the value selected i.e. DB/00002.

If the “Additional filter option” was not selected, we will continue with the details in the first screen and it will be as follows:

Detail: Select this option when you want much information about the outstanding balances for the selected period. Basing on the options selected in the first screen, you will generate a report that looks as follows:

View:  If you want to look at the soft copy of the amounts due report, then this option should be selected.

Print: If you want to look a hard copy (on paper) of the amounts due report, then this option should be selected.

Report PDF File Format: Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed in Portable Document File Format.

Report XLS File Format: Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed in Excel File Format.

Report DBF File Format: Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed in Database File format.

Create Graph: Select this option if the report to be generated is to be displayed on a chart.

Individual Loans Only: Select this option if the report to be generated is for only clients who have any amount due as individuals.

Group Loans Only: Select this option if the report to be generated is for only clients who have any amounts due and are found in groups.

All Loans: When this option is selected, the report generated will display all amounts due for both Individual loans and Group Loans.

All Pages : Check this option to print a report for all the pages of the amounts due report.


Pages : You can select a specific range of pages to be printed for the amounts due report.

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